How to Get Started
Initial Consultation
It is common to feel both eager and uncertain about starting treatment. I offer a FREE initial consultation either by phone or in office. The free consultation will last 20-30 minutes and provides an opportunity for you to see my office and to ask questions about my experience and expertise so that you may determine if it is a “good fit” for you and your family.
The first 1 to 2 sessions typically focus on assessment of your child’s functioning. The assessment process includes a clinical interview, completion of behavioral measures, and a behavioral observation of parent-child interactions. This information is used in the development of treatment goals and objectives.
Additionally, skill acquisition and behavioral progress are assessed weekly during each session. Nearing the completion of PCIT, behavioral measures are again administered to document treatment progress and to confirm that therapeutic goals have been achieved.
This emphasis on the use of empirically supported measurements assures that treatment will remain on course and provides immediate feedback regarding ongoing progress and challenges.
About the Therapy Process
It is my intention to provide services that will assist you and your family in reaching your goals. Based upon the information that you provide to me and the specifics of your situation, I will make recommendations regarding your treatment. It is my belief that therapists and clients are partners in the therapeutic process. You have the right to agree or disagree with my recommendations. I will also regularly provide feedback to you regarding treatment progress and will invite your participation in the discussion.
Due to the varying nature and severity of problems as well as the individuality of each client and family, I am unable to predict the length of your therapy or to guarantee a specific outcome or result. If it is determined that you are not benefiting from treatment, either you or I may initiate a discussion of your treatment alternatives. Treatment alternatives may include, among other possibilities, referral, changing your treatment plan, or terminating your therapy.
Telephone contact between office visits is welcome. However, I will attempt to keep those conversations brief due to my belief that important issues are better addressed within regularly scheduled sessions. You may leave a message for me at any time on my confidential voicemail. Non-urgent phone calls are returned during normal workdays (Monday through Friday) within 24 hours. In the event of a medical emergency or an emergency involving a threat to your safety or the safety of others, please call 911 to request emergency assistance. |
Hands On Parenting
P: 949.584.5572
23441 S Pointe Dr
Dr Suite #140
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

Problem Areas
– Anger/Stress management
– Disobedience/Acting out
– Tantrums/Aggression
– Sibling Rivalry
Treatment Goals
– Bond with your child
– Improve parenting skills
– Improve coping skills
– Decrease behavior issues
– Reduce stress
Other Services
– Treatment for Anxiety
– Coping with Loss/Grief
– Coping with Trauma/PTSD
– Family Issues & Dynamics