Mary C. Pratt, LCSW
Mary Pratt is a licensed clinical social worker who has worked with children and families for over 20 years. Mary is a leading provider of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT). In PCIT, parents are taught specific skills to establish a nurturing and secure relationship with their child while increasing their child’s social skills and decreasing negative behavior. Mary was an early adopter of this unique evidence based therapy and the first to open a private practice specializing in PCIT in South Orange County.
Mary has been trained by the UCDavis CAARE center and has trained many new practitioners in this one of a kind therapy.
Mary’s expertise and experience has been recognized through invitations to present at the Parent-Child Interaction Annual conference, as well as on expert panels, and to parent groups, churches, preschools and pediatricians.

Mary C. Pratt, LCSW
- Mary has worked closely with parents and their children for nearly 20 years. She approaches each parent child relationship as a unique opportunity to work with parents on the relationship with their children and to create a loving lasting bond between parent and child.
- Mary opened the first private practice to offer Parent Child Interaction Training to parents in Orange County, and has been doing so for 5 years.
- Mary is a certified Parent Child Interaction Training provider through UC Davis and has trained many of the other PCIT providers in Southern California.
- Mary has her Masters in Social Work from Cal State Long Beach and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker
“With a little help parents can eliminate problem behavior before it gets worse.”
Hands On Parenting
P: 949.584.5572
23441 S Pointe Dr
Dr Suite #140
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

Problem Areas
– Anger/Stress management
– Disobedience/Acting out
– Tantrums/Aggression
– Sibling Rivalry
Treatment Goals
– Bond with your child
– Improve parenting skills
– Improve coping skills
– Decrease behavior issues
– Reduce stress
Other Services
– Treatment for Anxiety
– Coping with Loss/Grief
– Coping with Trauma/PTSD
– Family Issues & Dynamics